The first trimester is over!!! Three months down, six months to go! :)
Baby bump! July 11, 2012 |
I can't believe the first three months are done! It seriously felt like that time FLEW by looking back on it. Compared to other stories I've heard from women and their pregnancies...I almost feel like I had it relatively easy! No extreme morning sickness, which I am SO thankful for!
Some symptoms I had and what (mostly) worked for me:
Dysgeusia (metal taste in mouth)--aside from brushing and flossing my teeth, sucking on hard candy, like Green Apple Jolly Ranchers, really helped.
Nausea--eating Saltine crackers, sour green grapes and getting fresh air was best. I felt better if I ate a lot of little snacks throughout the day, so I always had something in my stomach. Also, I had felt sick in the mornings after taking my prenatal vitamin. I switched to taking it at night, right before bed, and that made all the difference!
Bathroom issues--Tucks pads, drinking a TON of water.
Chest soreness--wearing a sports bra constantly!
Sensitive skin/breaking out--I had to switch my body and face wash since it all of a sudden felt like I was rubbing acid on my skin. I've been using the Aveeno skincare products for sensitive skin and they seem to be working great!
Cravings--Since I never craved anything too bizarre, I usually just gave in. :) The first month I was all about green grapes and spicy Mexican food, second month I wanted pickles and fruit, and the third month I wanted pickles, fruit and processed goodies! :-O
Weight-to-date--My pre-pregnancy weight was 111 lbs. I'm now 114 lbs. The doctor said I can expect to gain between 25 to 35 lbs!
Bebs: Baby is almost the size of a lime, weighs almost an ounce, and measures almost 2.5 inches! Eyes are now positioned in the front of his/her face, and the ears are in position on the sides of his/her head. Reflexes have begun! Bebs' mouth is making sucking movements, clenching eye muscles, curling toes and fingers, hands open and close, and s/he may even begin to suck his thumb! His/her brain has been developing rapidly and the intestines are developing and will soon be moving into his/her stomach cavity.
We had our second ultrasound appointment last night, so we got to see the Bebs on the monitor! This ultrasound was for the first part of our "sequential screening" test. The doctor said that everything looked great so far! We got to hear the heartbeat again and it was a perfect 165! I will post the ultrasound pictures we got (we got 7 pictures!!) with a more detailed blog entry later this week!
Hebs, Hubs & Bebs at Raechel and Corey's wedding on July 7, 2012!
Adorable photo by the very talented Jeff! :) |